by Silvia Violet
Solid three. More time apart than together. Some casual type group sex worked into the wolf mythology I didn't care for. Decent HEA that I bought.
Great story of two high school friends struggling with who they are and what they want. I love that Matt came around, and that he was not at all shy in the end. I would have been disappointed if he just accepted being gay but wasn't willing to be out with Shane. The growth of the MCs was great, a...
Holy angst! I knew this would be angsty, but the angst just seemed to go on, and on, and on...And while I liked the characters once they had their sh*t together (meaning, almost the end of the book), I didn't really like Shane for most of the book. I knew he had serious issues with his wolf stuff, b...
2.5 starsThe story started out well, really well, and had an interesting potential world building concept going with the whole mixed human and shifter society. I enjoyed Part 1 of the book but felt that Part 2 of the book didn't really deliver. I felt a bit betrayed for Matt when Shane took part in ...
2.5 stars because I've read some pretty good 3 stars and I just feel the need to distinguish a little. I liked the general premise, although this made me realize why people complain so much about 1st person narrative. I don't usually mind it, but something about the telling of a story that's alrea...
3.5 stars
4.5 StarsThis book left me all swooney and happy. I was sucked from the first few pages. Matt and Shane were just meant to be together. This is one of those hard-fought roads to love for a love that was there from the start. Really tragic but beautiful.Shane moves to a small town in high school. He’...
4 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews has crushed on his best friend Matt since the day they met, over the last few months it has been harder and harder to cope with holding back and he turns to drink to ease the feelings, but then something shoc...