Der Drachenbeinthron (Das Geheimnis der Großen Schwerter, #1)
9783898975223 (3898975223)
Publish date: 2006
Publisher: Weltbild
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn (#1)
I liked a lot about this coming-of-age story. I liked the fact that the author took his time establishing his characters, as well as dropping the seeds of the forthcoming complications and building his world. I liked that, although it is clearly heavily influenced by Tolkien, the 'other races' are q...
Osten Ard trauert um seinen König. Johan Presbyter ist tot. Er gab dem Land Frieden und Wohlstand und befreite es von dem Feuerdrachen Shurakai. Nun folgt ihm sein Erstgeborener Elias auf den Thron. Den Drachenbeinthron, der im großen Saal des Hochhorstes steht. Der Hochhorst ist gleichzeitig Geburt...
This is highly thought of by fantasy authors. Tamora Pierce rates it five stars on GoodReads and this was the series that inspired George RR Martin to try his hand at epic fantasy. This first volume of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn consists of 766 pages of such tiny print I feared for my eyesight. It'...
I'm positive I read this book, oh, probably 15 or more years ago now, but I have to say that virtually none of it sparked any kind of recollection. All I remembered was that I read the first one, and I think the second, but never got around to reading the third. Which is usually a pretty good indi...
The first book of Tad Williams' Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy on the surface looks like a cliché, however Williams puts his own original spins on those standard elements that in The Dragonbone Chair the reader is confronted with a fantasy that is familiar yet very different. The main character i...