Der Hundertjährige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand
Format: audiobook
9783867179560 (3867179565)
ASIN: 3867179565
Publish date: 2013-05-13
Publisher: der Hörverlag
Edition language: Deutsch
Za to treść recenzji będzie dla odmiany krótka. Sama konwencja opowieści w stylu "Forresta Gumpa", w której bohater zupełnym przypadkiem uczestniczy w najważniejszych światowych wydarzeniach na przestrzeni wielu lat, nawet mi się podobała. Ale co z tego, skoro niewiele z tego wynikało. Z drugiej ...
This is a piece of a book! I don't remember to have so much fun with a book in a long time :) ... and I've just finished the [b:The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|11|The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1)|Douglas Adams|
Funny in a strange and unusual way. This book tells a story of a 100 year old man who jumped out his window and disappeared. Such adventures follow as you can hardly believe. The book is different and funny in a strange and unusual way.
So I get that The Hundred-Year-Old Man by Jonas Jonasson is meant to be a satire on politics and politicians throughout the 20th century and I get that some people find it hilarious but I thought it was boring, long-winded and not very funny. The premise is brilliant; a guy celebrating his hundredth...
I must confess, I don't get the hype. I read this book out of curiosity and before my Kindle. Everyone I knew was talking about it. I read the book and thought.....why?The book follows a old man who was about to turn 100. He escaped the nursing home where he was staying at and decided to go for a wa...