Deran Ludd takes traditional genre fiction, twists it and twists it, adds unusual characters, and tells tales pumped with action, woe, and dark humor. Ludd is the author of two published novels: Sick Burn Cut (Semiotext[e], 1992). A slightly reworked excerpt from the novel appeared in the German...
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Deran Ludd takes traditional genre fiction, twists it and twists it, adds unusual characters, and tells tales pumped with action, woe, and dark humor. Ludd is the author of two published novels: Sick Burn Cut (Semiotext[e], 1992). A slightly reworked excerpt from the novel appeared in the German short story anthology AmLit (Druckhaus Galrev, 1992). No Aloha (Semiotext[e], 1999; DIY ebook edition, 2010). An excerpt from No Aloha appeared in the online zine, Pugzine. Ludd is also the author of several short stories, including two e-short stories Hypnotizing Chickens, He Has A Face Like A Steel Trap and The Carnage Motel. All three are available from most ebook outlets.
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