It looks like I am alone in really hating this odd little publication. Actually, I don't hate it, as I understand its purpose and value to some, and I understand why so many people dig it. And yet, it really makes my skin crawl. I didn't grow up under the yoke of any religious dogma, so I don't have...
I think this was one of the better Superiors books (of course, I am biased, having been a contributor). I wrote the revised writeup of Khalid, Archangel of Faith.
It was much better than the Angelic Player's Guide, as many of the mistakes made in the first book were fixed in this one.
This was a great book as an In Nomine Los Angeles sourcebook (characters and settings was one of the things Derek Pearcy did well). But, like the entire Revelations cycle, it suffered from gaping plot holes that made it less playable as an adventure.
The first book I ever edited. I think it really did capture the flavor of the setting, with a mix of serious, humorous, and epic artifacts.
It was unfortunate that this, one of the first releases for the In Nomine line, was a relatively poor product. There are some good bits, but there was very little coordination of the content or editorial control, and so a lot of contradictory rules and bad ideas were allowed to enter the game's cano...
Alas, In Nomine -- if only it had been marketed better, I think it could have really been big, especially given today's "urban fantasy" craze.