Derek Pell is a writer, visual artist, and photographer--the author of over 40 books, including works of experimental fiction, humor, satire, art and nonfiction. In 1989, under the pseudonym Norman Conquest, he founded an international anti-censorship art collective, Beuyscouts of Amerika. He has...
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Derek Pell is a writer, visual artist, and photographer--the author of over 40 books, including works of experimental fiction, humor, satire, art and nonfiction. In 1989, under the pseudonym Norman Conquest, he founded an international anti-censorship art collective, Beuyscouts of Amerika. He has produced many works of mixed media, collage, book-objects, mail art, and multiple editions--several of which are part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. In 2012 he founded Black Scat Books (, a small press devoted to absurdist humor, experimental fiction, works in translation, and avant-garde art. He lives in northern California with his wife and two large dogs.-- Selected Books by Derek Pell --- fiction -NAKED LUNCH AT TIFFANY'S (JEF Books)ASSASSINATION RHAPSODY (Semiotext[e]: Foreign Agents Series)SCAR MIRROR (Cat's Pajamas Press)MORBID CURIOSITIES (Random House / Jonathan Cape: London)DOKTOR BEY'S SUICIDE GUIDEBOOK (Dodd, Mead & Co. / reprint: Black Scat Books)LOST IN TRANSLATION (Obscure Publications)BEWILDERING BEASTIES (Dover Publications)TRUE TINY TALES OF TERROR. With Ann Hodgman (Putnam)THE ART OF ROMANCE WRITING IN AMERICA (Obscure Publications)THE MARQUIS DE SADE'S ELEMENTS OF STYLE (Permeable Press)BROTHER SPENCER GOES TO HELL (The Fault)ADVANTAGES OF BEING A SAINT (H. P. Oliver Books)THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF SADE (Black Scat Books)DOKTOR BEY'S BOOK OF BRATS (Avon)DOKTOR BEY'S HANDBOOK OF STRANGE SEX (Avon / New English Library: London)DOKTOR BEY'S BEDSIDE BUG BOOK (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)DOKTOR BEY'S BOOK OF THE DEAD (Avon)- nonfiction -SHOOT TO THRILL: A HARD-BOILED GUIDE TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Que / Macmillan)THE LITTLE RED BOOK OF ADOBE LIVEMOTION (O'Reilly / No Starch)***BOOKS AS NORMAN CONQUESTSartre's French Phrase Book (Transient Press: Los Angeles)Interiors: A Book of Very Clean Rooms (Gallery 612: Tokyo)A Beginner's Guide to Art Deconstruction (Permeable Press: San Francisco)Straight Razor. With Harold Jaffe (Black Ice Books)Extremely Weird Republicans (HOB Press)By Any Means: An Avant-Pop Anthology (HOB Press)It's Fun To Be Rich in America. With Michael Leigh. (Black Scat Books)The Little Red Book of Commie Porn. With Terri Lloyd (Black Scat Books)Burn This Book (Virtual Field Warp)Don't Worry, it's Not About Hats (Black Scat Books)The Neglected Works of Norman Conquest (Black Scat Books)What is Art? (JEF Books / Journal of Experimental Fiction)Snowdrop in Africa (Absurdist Texts & Documents Series)Rear Windows: An Inside Look at Fifty Film Noir Classics (Absurdist Texts & Documents)Corn on Macabre & Other Conundrums [forthcoming]
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