I have lived most of my life in the Eastend of London and have been writing for over 30 years, beginning with plays. I had them performed on radio, TV and theatre, and after working in a community bookshop in Stratford I began to write children's books. Hard Cash was read on radio by Tony...
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I have lived most of my life in the Eastend of London and have been writing for over 30 years, beginning with plays. I had them performed on radio, TV and theatre, and after working in a community bookshop in Stratford I began to write children's books. Hard Cash was read on radio by Tony Robinson, Frances Fairweather Demon Striker! was shortlisted for the Children's Book Award, The Good Wolf won the David Thomas Prize, and Lucy-Anne's Changing Ways was the only self published book listed in The Book Trusts 100 Best Children's Books.As a young man I was a runner, and some of this experience has gone into Fast Food where a boy with magic shoes runs as a giant peanut in the London Marathon. I regard this as a crossover book and am sure it will be enjoyed by adults as well as older children. I am now writing more for adults and have recently published Hell's Chimney and The Prince's Shadow as ebooks, both I describe as fantasy/thriller/romances. Both are in two parts (Hell's Chimney: 'The Hunted Prince' & 'The Secret of Life, The Prince's Shadow: 'The Prince's Shadow' & 'The Shadow Deepens)I have in the past been terrible at marketing, in fact done next to none. This doesn't pay off I have learnt - and is one reason why I am not famous. You may say it is also the quality of my books - but I challenge you on that. Read one, then tell me. This year, I shall do what I can to raise my profile, hopefully to sell more books, and of course, I shall keep writing them.
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