9789024546411 (9024546419)
Publish date: January 2003
Publisher: Luitingh Sijthoff
Pages no: 604
Edition language: Dutch
In der Wüste Nevadas liegt das Städtchen Desperation, wo Bergarbeiter dem Grauen auf den Grund gegangen sind. Sie haben eine dämonische Urgewalt freigesetzt, die sie allesamt in die Verzweiflung treibt. Und einige Durchreisende sind mittendrin.Stephen King hat mit "Desperation" einen Horror-Roman pa...
Here we have it, folks: the biggest shock yet in the Stephen King reread. Before today, I considered Desperation bottom-of-the-barrel King. Desperate King. I felt the religiosity was blatant, tasteless; the story derivative of things King had done better before. Funny how our tastes evolve and cha...
Desesperación es un infierno constante. Creo que divido el libro en dos partes. La primera es muy violenta, e imposible de dejar de leer. Luego empiezan las "revelaciónes", en lo que llamaría segunda parte, y todo queda a criterio del lector. No imaginaba que King, en un libro así, cerraria con un ...
The first time I read Desperation, I read it back to back with The Regulators in the fall 1996. Had I been reviewing in my teenage years, I probably would have given this two stars, and The Regulators four stars. The latter is a fun book from beginning to end, while Desperation takes off like a crac...
Desperation is the name of the Nevada mining town where the main characters become stranded and what I felt while I read this book,the first few chapters are insane!.Without giving away most of the plot,it's a story about the battle between good and evil in a ghost town where something went terribly...