by Lisa Kleypas
I'm being lazy and reviewing the entire series as one. Also many of my thoughts apply to all the books. I've never been a big romance person but I've never been opposed to them either. I discovered this series on a list for top romance series when I needed something for the 2013 Challenge Group Febr...
4.5 stars
Sebastian, Viscount St. Vincent -- what a hot mess. The total degenerate who, after marrying solely for money, discovers he has not only a heart but also a talent for running his bride's inherited business. I do believe that LK has created the hottest bad boy in all of Romancelandia (although Lord D...
ok, so after I mentioned how much I loved the first two books, my friends who have read the series told me that I HAD to read book three because they all thought that it was the best of the series. I knew who this book was about and I thought there is no way that I would think that the relationshi...