Dhampir (Noble Dead, Series 1, #1)
Barb Hendee (author)
J.C. Hendee (author)
Format: kindle
Pages no: 446
Edition language: English
Series: Noble Dead Saga: Series 1 (#1)
As an author I find it hard, many times, to find books that I think are worth reading. They seem to either be poorly written, plot is all over the place, or just flat out boring. Dhampir was not one of those. This book pulled me in from the start. I, for the first time in a good long time, I found...
3.5 starsAfter recovering from my initial horror that the protagonists made a living fleecing poor villagers with their fake vampire hunting, I started to really enjoy this book. Karma is a bitch, because Magiere and Leesil find themselves meeting real vampires on the way to their ill-gained retire...
Die Geschichte spielt mal in der Vergangenheit, also kein Zukunftquatsch.Ich war sehr überrascht von dem Buch, es führt in die Vergangenheit, die Dörfer sind toll beschrieben und die Charakter genauso. Ab und an schweift man in den Beschreibungen in dem Buch ab , aber das ist eher nur nebensächlich....
This reader's personal opinion, ©2012, all rights reserved, not to be quoted, clipped or used in any way by Google Play, amazon.com or other commercial booksellers* Unforgettable; one of the fantasy series that has become a personal yardstick for measuring others by. Hard to come up with words ...
Decent enough fast read, with pretty good characters, except the main characters companion and dog are unfortunately a lot more likeable and fleshed out than the main character herself. Even the enemies feel a little more rounded. But this was clearly a series opener, so filling in all the back stor...