bookshelves: epistolatory-diary-blog, nonfiction, published-2013, winter-20132014 Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Laura Recommended for: BBC Radio Listeners Read from December 15 to 20, 2013 BOTWBBC description: This new book contains the letters sent from aristocrat, society darling and actress o...
I don't know how to review this one without sounding dismissive and in ways I am. The books tells of an ideal other time when Atlantis was a golden world with people incarnated to learn about being humans from around the galaxy and who eventually had to be punished because they were becoming corrup...
Well the score is probably 5* if she's right but somehow it doesn't resonate in good ways with me. som of the angel names just sound wrong, the historical revisionism that means that ancient times were idylic and all sweetness and light is not something that I can easily work with. While there may...
Well the score is probably 5* if she's right but somehow it doesn't resonate in good ways with me.som of the angel names just sound wrong, the historical revisionism that means that ancient times were idylic and all sweetness and light is not something that I can easily work with. While there may h...