I picked this for the cover. I liked it. Justice is an assassin. She is part of a family (all adopted children rescued from various situations) that is rich and has influence. Oh, and they take down human traffickers. Permanently. Sandesh is an ex soldier who runs a humanitarian group (all ex soldie...
I am Justice is a new series by a new to me author, Diana Munoz Stewart. There were some great things about the book. First, I loved that its a group of vigilante sisters. These ladies are badass. Any book that features women who are just as deadly as men is a plus in my book! I also thought the foc...
Justice Parish was rescued from a brutal childhood and adopted into a loving family. But the scars from her past cannot be forgotten, and she vows to protect and avenge others who haven’t escaped the cruel hands of injustice. She becomes a skilled assassin—a vigilante. Her next target: a sex-traffic...