Kevin teams up with Joe and later Kirby (Heracles) to take out the nasties and many more warriors (those with abilities) join in. A whole new batch of characters, supernatural beings and principal villain are introduced. It’s not the most engaging of plot lines but the artwork is reasonably done. En...
Pleasantly surprised; I was coming to this with expectations of both quality and convention. Quality was met. Convention was met and exceeded.There are a three science fiction stories, and now that I think about it, that's not unheard of; consider the Great Whatsit from Kiss Me Deadly. A similar ...
I think this comic collection can best be described by the word MEH.
Half are great and half are weak with obvious plots, tissue thin characters, and passable artwork. It seemed like a lot of the writers thought it was noir just to write about crime and put in a twist, but noir is really a mood and an evocation, not just shadowy panels and dames with obscure motives....