It's practically like the blurb said. So I'm not going to repeat it. And I'm afraid to be spoiler.I'm really sorry but this book felt really flat. Bland. The publisher makes a note that this book doesn't contain explicit content. And I'm okay with that. Because when I requested this, I want to read ...
"An Angel's Wings" - not-for-me-i-guess
I won this through a giveaway being hosted by Aidee Ladnier (a year or so ago).I didn't read any story but the one by Aidee Ladnier entitled The Applicant. I found it to be a totally charming read. Forbes is so into his work that he just doesn't pay much mind to the guy who came knocking on his door...
3.5 stars - Cupid, Inc by Shannon West
2.5 starsAn okay read. The story consists mostly of Trent going over his dating history and what caused him to be dateless during all his New Year Eve's. For his present New Years he's decided to spend it alone and after finding nothing he'll want to eat at home he decided to go out for Chinese food...