Author, teacher, and perspective changer Diane Wing, M.A. enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way that people experience themselves and the world around them. A phenomenologist at the core, Diane uses a variety of techniques combined with discovering unique patterns experienced by her...
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Author, teacher, and perspective changer Diane Wing, M.A. enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way that people experience themselves and the world around them. A phenomenologist at the core, Diane uses a variety of techniques combined with discovering unique patterns experienced by her clients to reveal a deeper understanding of the self and to shift their perspective enabling them to move past obstacles that keep them stuck. Diane Wing is dedicated to helping people get grounded and trust themselves, so they can live a peaceful and fulfilling life of joyful self-expression. She inspires others and teaches them to safely tap into the energies around them to turn anxiety into tranquility. Her clients are those who are ready to stop struggling in their personal life so they can feel their best. Wing sees connections between things that seem disparate to others and can help you see their significance in your life. She’s an idea person who helps you shift your perspective to see yourself and your life in a whole new way and is a master at bringing magick into the everyday. She wants to live in a world where people feel inspired and motivated to evolve beyond their current way of being. As a Perspective Changer and Blockage Buster, she’s a wiz at helping people find their Inner Magick to help them be happy in the present while creating their ideal future. To that end, Diane Wing created a body of work focused on knowing the self at a deep level in order to build self-trust and self-confidence. Her books, both dark fantasy fiction and enlightening non-fiction, hold lessons based in Universal and Magickal Law and energetic consciousness. Her games, Pathways and Insight Stones®, are systems of metaphysics designed to facilitate self-discovery, develop intuitive ability, and to enhance self-awareness. The emphasis of her school, Wing Academy of Unfoldment, and of her radio show, Wing Academy Radio, helps students and listeners learn ways to take metaphysical and personal development concepts and apply them to everyday life in their own distinct way. It’s about going deeper and seeing the patterns of your life. Wing’s books create a transformational experience for the reader while incorporating a bit of the unexpected. Many say that her fiction has a sense of Karmic justice rendered within the realm of the unknown and that her non-fiction brings about a heightened awareness of the self and the world to enhance understanding of our own internal transformations. According to Diane Wing, “Ever since I was little, the world felt magickal. [Magick with a “k” is used to differentiate the magic of an illusionist or stage magician from the magick that includes your intuitive abilities and tapping into the flow of the Universe). The world was beautiful and mysterious, filled with things to learn and experience. The path led me to become a lifetime student of metaphysics, mysticism, magick, and spirituality and to achieve a Master’s degree in psychology…and it all shows up in my writing. You never know what’s waiting around the bend.“The world still feels magickal to me; every act of nature, every energetic exchange, every new discovery is perceived through the eyes of wonder. I now understand that self-knowledge is the key to all magickal operations; the discovery of our own Inner Magick is essential to living in concert with the Universe. We are the Magician, as in tarot, orchestrating and creating life in accordance with our true self.” Diane is an avid reader, bibliophile, lover of trees, and a lifelong learner. She and her husband are pet parents to a sweet little Shih Tzu. Find out more, listen to Wing Academy Radio, and take the Vibrational Quiz at
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