Dianne E. Butts
Dianne E. Butts' newest projects are her e-books, exclusively on Kindle, which compile the "best of" posts from her popular Bible Prophecies Fulfilled blog. The first in the series is "The Shemitah" (August 2015). The second is "The Four Blood Moons" (September 2015). The third will be "The 7...
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Dianne E. Butts' newest projects are her e-books, exclusively on Kindle, which compile the "best of" posts from her popular Bible Prophecies Fulfilled blog. The first in the series is "The Shemitah" (August 2015). The second is "The Four Blood Moons" (September 2015). The third will be "The 7 Feasts of the LORD. Dianne is also producing a series of Kindle e-books for writers, including the very popular "Cutting the Passive Voice." Also available: "How To Get Published by Magazines & Book Publishers" for new writers just starting on their journey to publication who need to know how the business works, what to do, and how to get started. For authors of printed books, Dianne shares all she has learned from holding dozens of live book sigings in chain and independent bookstores in "Book Signings."Her book, "Prophecies Fulfilled in the Life of Jesus," is the third in the "Prophecies Fulfilled" series, following "Prophecies Fulfilled in the Birth of Jesus" and "Prophecies Fulfilled in the Death & Resurrection of Jesus." Purchase these books directly from Dianne by clicking "See All Buying Options" and buying from Connect Books. Dianne's book co-authored with Renee Gray-Wilburn, "Grandparenting through Obstacles: Overcoming Family Challenges to Reach Your Grandchildren for Christ," was named one of GRAND magazine's 2012 Best Grandparenting books, and won The Book Club Network's 2012 Book of the Year. You can also purchase this book directly from Dianne by clicking "See All Buying Options" and buying from Connect Books. Dianne's book, "Deliver Me: Hope, Help, & Healing through True Stories of Unplanned Pregnancy" (Connections Press, 2011) is a source of great comfort to those distressed by the recent videos released about Planned Parenthood. "Deliver Me" won the Christian Small Publishers Association's 2012 "Book of the Year," "Relationships / Family" category. It was also a finalist for the 2012 Golden Scroll Book of the Year awarded by Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.Dianne's first book, "Dear America: A Letter of Comfort and Hope to a Grieving Nation," written just after the events of 9/11/2001 and published in March 2002, is a great source of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one and a solid resource for those wonder about God.A screenwriter, Dianne's feature film scripts have placed as a Finalist in the Kairos Prize for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays in January 2015 and a different project placed as a semifinalist in January 2013. Dianne's short film script, "A Cowboy's Faith," was inspired by a true story in her book, "Deliver Me," and was a finalist in the 168 Project's "Write of Passage" contest in 2010. She wrote, produced, and directed her first short film, "The Choice," in February 2012 for the 168 Film Project. "The Choice" was also inspired by a true story in "Deliver Me."Dianne has contributed to twenty compilations including Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Stress, as well as Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Best Stories of Faith, For God So Loved the World...He Created Chocolate!, and Zondervan's New Women's Devotional Bible. Dianne has more than 300 articles and short stories published in over 50 Christian print magazines, including the Salvation Army's War Cry, Young Salvationist, Focus on the Family's Clubhouse magazine, Today's Christian Senior, Enrichment Journal, On Mission, and Encounter. She has written for online magazines including www.FindingGodDaily.com, www.ThinkingAboutSuicide.com, www.CBN.com, and www.TheChristianPulse.com. Her work has been published in Great Britain, Bulgaria, Poland, Canada, and Korea.Dianne has been on faculty at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference, the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference, and speaks to writers, church groups, and those interested in prophecy.When she's not writing, Dianne enjoys riding her motorcycle with her husband, Hal, and gardening with her cat, P.C. They live in Colorado. http://www.BiblePropheciesFulfilled.blogspot.com http://www.ButtsAboutWriting.blogspot.com http://www.DeliverMeBook.blogspot.comhttp://www.DianneEButts.com http://www.DeliverMeBook.com
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