While the majority of reviews for "Shadowflame" are less than favorable, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I don't really like how Miranda's character has evolved, but the plot and the rest of the characters were compelling enough for me to want to keep reading the series. A lot...
Everyone who read [b:Queen of Shadows|7863163|Queen of Shadows (Shadow World, #1)|Dianne Sylvan|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304755965s/7863163.jpg|11017918] knows that this series is dark. Miranda's ability and what she experienced (in QoS) could have completely wrecked her. Instead, she overcam...
I put off reading this because of all the awful, angry, nasty reviews... but I LOVED it. I'm so mad I waited so long. HOWEVER, I totally get the awful, angry, nasty, reviews, I just happen to loooooooove angst with my romance. If you DON'T love angst with your romance...steer clear of this one.