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Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1 - editions back

by Annie Droege
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Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1 - Annie Droege
Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1
publisher: Grosvenor House Publishing Limited publish date: January 30th 2012
format: paperback pages: 272
language: English
ISBN: 190859697X (9781908596970)
Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1 - Annie Droege
Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1
publisher: Grosvenor House Publishing publish date: October 19th 2012
format: ebook pages: 272
language: English
ISBN: 1781481253 (9781781481257)
Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1 - Annie Droege
Diary of Annie's War - The Diary of an Englishwoman in Germany During WW1
publisher: Grosvenor House Publishing publish date: October 19th 2012
format: kindle pages: 272
language: English
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