There are two goofy periods for World's Finest Comics: The late fifties/early sixties, where they just had whacked-out stories and one-shot bad guys, and the late sixties, when editors in their late fifties were attempting to write hip and relevant storylines. Luckily, most of the tales reprinted in...
It's hard to go wrong with 500-pages of early Silver Age comics for $9.99. Showcase Presents Superman features the Man of Steel in some of his earliest silver age adventures, beginning with Action Comics #241 and Superman #122, and feature the introduction of many Superman Family staples: Supergirl,...
Showcase presents World's Finest contains lots of Superman/Batman team ups from the 1950's. They're clearly geared toward younger readers but still good for a chuckle in a Mystery Science Theatre kind of way. It's funny how many of the stories involve both Superman and Batman lying to Lois Lane.Hal...