Didier Ghez has conducted Disney research since he was a teenager in the mid '80s. His articles about the parks, animation, and vintage international Disneyana, as well as his many interviews with Disney artists, have appeared in such magazines as Disney Twenty-Three, Persistence of Vision,...
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Didier Ghez has conducted Disney research since he was a teenager in the mid '80s. His articles about the parks, animation, and vintage international Disneyana, as well as his many interviews with Disney artists, have appeared in such magazines as Disney Twenty-Three, Persistence of Vision, Tomart's Disneyana Update, Animation Journal, Animation Magazine, StoryboarD, and Fantasyline. He is the author of the books They Drew As They Pleased - The Hidden Art of Disney's Golden Age, Disney's Grand Tour and Disneyland Paris - From Sketch to Reality, and editor of Life in the Mouse House: Memoir of a Disney Story Artist and Inside the Whimsy Works: My Life with Walt Disney Productions. He runs The Disney History blog (disneybooks.blogspot.com), The Disney Books Network website (www.didierghez.com), and serves as managing editor of the Walt's People book series.
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