by Christine Hoeppener, Alexandre Dumas
I give up on this at sixty-something percent. The rating might have been different, had I read it some 15 years ago. But then again, I tried reading 'The Count of Monte Christo' and 'Vocomte de Bragelonne' back then and couldn't get through. So maybe Dumas is just not my cup of tea.If I compare lite...
For all those people who find the classics wordy or tedious, then this is the perfect book. Although long, this book is fast paced and filled with betrayal, love affairs and secret passages - I just loved it. The story is based on the marriage between Marguerite de Valois, sister of King Charles o...
It’s 1572 and in an effort to ease tensions between the Catholics and the Huguenots Henry III King of Navarre is married to Marguerite de Valois (Margot). Shortly after the marriage the Huguenots are slaughtered at the order of Charles IX and his mother Catherine de Medicis on Saint Bartholomew’s Da...