Die Chronik Der Drachenlanze 1/2. Zwei Romane In Einem Band
9783442242450 (3442242452)
Edition language: Deutsch
Young Adult,
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Epic Fantasy,
High Fantasy,
Dungeons And Dragons,
I picked up the annotated copy of the whole trilogy a few years ago at a book sale along with some other Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms titles. I'd owned and purged them before, but something itched at me to not let them go by this time. The plot begins as many campaigns should - in an inn and i...
I finished a really great book last night as I stood in line at Target (we only buy one thing on black friday; pillows. it's been the only tradition me and my better half have stuck to for our entire relationship. there's no rhyme or reason as to why we buy pillows on black friday, but we always d...
As a fan of the Fantasy genre, and a lover of board- and roleplaying games (mind you, not THOSE kind of role playing games), I've been wanting to read the Dragonlance series for years now. I didn't get to it until a few weeks ago, because A. other books, and B. I only wanted to read the first trilog...
Synopsis: A group of friends/heroes fights a war against an evil goddess and her armies. Its pretty straightforward stuff. As I mentioned when I started this trilogy I spent several of my teenage years obsessed with the novels from this shared universe. Re-reading these has been a nice sentimental...
I enjoy the novel every time I read it, even though it is somewhat like a D&D session. The various characters and personalities make it a great read.