by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Rainer Madsen, Hendrik Madsen
I don't recall much of this book, so a re-read might be in order. I do recall having to read it in school. Meh.
This was one of those books (that turned out to be a novella, since it was only 117 pages long), that I 'had' to read. First of all, because it is regarded as a classic, secondly because it was a real hype when it was first published in 1774, and thirdly because it is one of many books I downloaded...
Handlung: Goethes Briefroman "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" zählt zu den meistgelesenen Romanen der deutschen Sprache. In ihm berichtet der junge, empfindsame Werther seinem Freund Wilhelm von seiner Liebe zur Amtstochter Lotte, die jedoch bereits mit dem nüchternen Albert verlobt ist. Eine verhän...
OK, so the story is trite. I get it. Werther is the original emo. Check. Books that end in suicide are no longer PC. Alright.Put that all aside and read the work in German. I can't even say if the book is good or not in English, as I've never read it in English. In its Muttersprache it is beautiful ...