by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Hans-Martin Möller
Vor über 5 Jahren mussten wir das Buch im Deutschunterricht lesen und da eine Freundin und ich in alten Zeitem geschwelgt haben, hab ich mir das Buch nochmal vorgenommen. Da es ein Theaterstück ist, sind die örtlichen Beschreibungen sehr bildhaft aber kurz und knapp. Die Charaktere sind interessant ...
A rather too simplistic message - the responsibilities of scientists and their inventions (but as it was written at the height of the cold war, not surprising), written in an original way with some great and memorable characters.
This 1962 play is part of the wave of pessimism that followed the invention of the atomic bomb, one of the rare occasions in history that the total extinction of humanity has seemed like a real possibility. On the one hand, some thinkers stressed the essential warlike nature of humanity, as in Rober...