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Dinner With a Vampire - Community Reviews back

by Abigail Gibbs
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Argentinian Bookworm
Argentinian Bookworm rated it 11 years ago
3.5 stars!
The Flutterby Room
The Flutterby Room rated it 11 years ago
DINNER WITH A VAMPIRE by Abigail Gibbs is the first book in THE DARK HEROINE series. It tells the story of Violet Lee an almost eighteen-year-old who stumbles upon something she shouldn’t have, and gets drawn into a strange and dangerous world. Reading DINNER WITH A VAMPIRE was a surprise. It was ...
Magnolia rated it 11 years ago
Egyetlen pillanat örökre megváltoztathat egy életet... Egy véletlen találkozás a sötét utcán olyan világba sodorja Violet Lee-t, amelyről még csak nem is álmodott soha – egy időtlen, kifinomultan elegáns és mérhetetlenül gazdag világba, ahol szépséges paloták állnak, melyekben fényűző mulatságokat ...
Cocktails and Books
Cocktails and Books rated it 11 years ago
I thought the reviews I read on this were going to sway me and scare me off, but I ended up liking this one. Kasper was a man/vampire you love to hate. He could be a snarky ass one minute, indifferent the next and then the deeply hurt man who is trying to makes sense of his life. Violet drove me ...
Books With Bite
Books With Bite rated it 11 years ago
Going into this book I was a bit skeptical. This story has gotten lots of mixed reviews. And well, I certainly felt like there is an appeal to it but other parts of the book just rubbed me the wrong way. Plot: I want to talk about what I did like in the story. I liked the plot. I loved the idea of...
Ashleigh Paige
Ashleigh Paige rated it 12 years ago
Any novel that makes it okay when the primary love interest threatens/attempts to rape his love interest is on my shitlist. Dinner with a Vampire is the topmost name on said shitlist for this and more. I slogged through 400 pages of this bloated, melodramatic mess before it became impossible.There w...
Bookshelf Dreaming
Bookshelf Dreaming rated it 12 years ago
'The sexiest romance you'll read this year' is a big statement to make and I don't think it did the book any good. While there was romance in the story, it is definitely not the sexiest book I have read, far from it.The story line was intriguing and flowing enough to keep me wanting more. I was a li...
For Those About to Read
For Those About to Read rated it 12 years ago
I really liked this book! I love vampires and romance! Abigail Gibbs did a good job of weaving all these characters and plots together, rarely a dull moment.
Tellulah Darling
Tellulah Darling rated it 12 years ago
DNFWhen I read the premise of this YA novel, I was pretty excited to read it. But I finally gave up trying to force myself to connect with the characters.First off I couldn't understand why Kaspar gave her a choice to become one of them or stay there indefinitely, in the first place. What about her...
Pixie Lynn Whitfield
Pixie Lynn Whitfield rated it 12 years ago
5/5/13: I. FINISHED. OMFG. I CAN'T BELIEVE I READ THE WHOLE BOOK.I deserve a medal because I thought I was going to throw it a long time ago.Full review coming whenever I can get coherent thoughts together..______I don’t even know where to start with The Dark Heroine (Dinner With a Vampire). I recei...
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