Βέβαια, ούτε τούτη τη νύχτα προφέρει κανείς, χώρια από μερικούς στρατιώτες, το όνομα που βρίσκεται στην καρδιά όλων. Οι αξιωματικοί προτιμούν να μην το αναφέρουν, γιατί το όνομα αυτό είναι η τελευταία ελπίδα τους. Για τους Τάρταρους ύψωσαν τα τείχη του Οχυρού, για τους Τάρταρους ξοδεύουν πολύτιμα χρ...
Una bella favola moderna, che parla di come uno zio dal cuore di ghiaccio impari ad amare e di come un nipote cagionevole si trasformi in un ometto. Con la complicità di amici/aiutanti magici provenienti dal mondo naturale. Bellissimo.
Il parlait lentement, le silence avait le temps de se glisser entre chacun de ses mots.
Fort Bastiani barricades a high, bare mountain pass, very far from any human settlement; beyond its stark yellow walls, begins the stony Tartar Desert, whose other side is invisible. The lives of the soldiers and officers posted there is absolutely repetitive, even amusements are the same every day;...
I'm surprised this book is not on more high school English class reading lists. (Maybe because it wasn't originally written in English? Except that doesn't keep Flaubert and Dostoyevsky out of English class.) It's exactly the sort of book a lot of high school English teachers love -- full of weighty...
As someone around here said, if it had been on any compulsory reading list, I would have skilfully avoided it, but since it was casually mentioned by one of my friends (though I have the feeling it was on her compulsory reading list at uni) I thought I'd give it a try. This was 5 or more years ago, ...
Mentioned in at least two books I read this year.
Mr. Snicket failed to convince me. I'm afraid it just didn't grab me; I barely made it through the cast of characters, which was amusing, but also tedious.
I read this over the summer of 1998. It is a very comprehensive science fiction anthology. I think it makes a very good work if you want to get a historical overview of where the genre comes from and where it is going. The stories do vary in quality, so odds are good you may find some you like more ...