by Mike Tucker
Fantastic! A must read for all Whovians!(I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads First-reads. )
Received from Edelweiss for an honest review. Enjoyed the story line and the characterizations, especially that of the Doctor. Will keep my eyes on this author.
(I got a copy courtesy of NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.)Second Twelfth Doctor novel I read, and one I liked better than Silhouette. I'd say it's typical-enough Doctor Who, perhaps closer to some of the older adventures than to the most recent ones, in its theme and some of its element...
This was a rather interesting take on Doctor Who for me. I read this coming off of Listen with Twelve and Clara, which I'm grateful to have done so close to the show because I was able to see the both of them in my mind better as I read, yet the Doctor took a whole new look for me when reading the ...
When the TARDIS takes The Doctor and Clara to a seemingly sleepy English town, they are stunned at what they find: giant, mutated insects and arachnids. But what does that have to do with townsfolk wandering around in a zombie-like state, the stone circle at the edge of town, and something mysteriou...
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you! Publication Date: September 9th 2014 I anticipation of the new Doctor Who series (where we'll finally get to know the new Doctor) I'm reading/reviewing a few of the new Doctor Who Bo...
“With time rapidly running out, he used the technique that had served him well in so many of his previous incarnations. ‘Eeny, meeny, miny…’”In The Crawling Terror The Doctor and Clara find themselves in a small village in England infested with rather large bugs. Of course, sticking to true Doctor W...