by Lani Diane Rich, Anne Stuart, Jennifer Crusie
What do women want?Good dogs. God-like powers is nice. Attractive new love interests is also nice. But good dogs and good friends are the really important stuff.Another in a slew of super fun books. Also shared with the daughter.Library copy.
Okay, first I thought this was an anthology. Nope, 3 authors wrote different parts of the book but I'm not familiar enough with them to figure out who wrote which part. Secondly, I'm very close to being over any stories with goddesses or gods, but surprisingly this book was pretty good. My favori...
Dogs and Goddesses by Jennifer Cruise, Anne Stuart and Lani Diane Rich is the story about three woman, and their awesome dogs, meeting, becoming and battling ancient Mesopotamian goddesses; oh and their dogs start talking :D When I had a twelve-hour drive I went over to the library and grabbed at a...
Honestly, it's a 1.5.
I'd only recommend this book if it were on your ipod and you were stranded on an island with nothing else to listen to.Other than that, there is no reason to ever pick this book up.
There's a reason I don't read genre fiction. I laughed several times at the ridiculousness of this book. It was entertaining enough, and I did finish it. It's predictable and silly but kind of fun. I think the dogs were the best written characters. I guess I can't expect too much from a romance nove...
Kammani, the Goddess of All Things, is awakened and starts wreaking havoc (swarms, plagues and floods) on the small town of Summerville, Ohio. Three women in town, Abby, Daisy and Shar - supposed Goddesses - know something is wrong and work together to put an end to Kammani. Of course, this is a r...
Quirky, fun , a little bit weird. I've liked pretty much everything I've read by Jennifer Crusie, and this was a fun introduction to the other authors.
Dogs and Goddesses is an entertaining story of three women who find themselves poised to save the world. How, you ask? They don't know...The story starts with Abby moving into town with her dog, a Newfoundland. She's there to check in on her inheritance, left by her grandmother. As soon as she rolls...
I've yet to read a Crusie book that hasn't made me laugh out loud, and this book is no exception. She's just got my kind of humor, I guess: full of apt movie quotes from out of nowhere, dogs who know more than their owners (and can talk!), and goddesses on antidepressants this book was good for mor...