by Cassie Mae
This review is going to be slightly different than my usual thing, because this book just inspires this type of feedback.I honestly want more stories just like this in literature; Stories that make you smile so widely and so often your cheeks hurt, but in the best way possible. The kind of way you d...
Liz and Landon have been together the better part of 4 years. She refers to them as peas and carrots. They go well together, but there is not a lot of excitement. They are busy, sometimes ships in the night. Then suddenly, they are laying it on the line and he proposes. The excitement is back ...
So to be honest, there are some authors, who's books I will just read, without regards to cover.. and .. uhm.. this is kinda ambarrasing... the blurb. Mae happens to be one of them. I love her How To Series, so basically knowing this is new adult by Mae... was simply good enough for me to wanna get ...
Do you want to laugh?Do you want to cry?Do you want your cynical side to gag at the lovey dovey parts?And then swoon a minute later?Do you want relatable?Do you want real?Doing it for Love is all of that.I love Cassie Mae’s books. They’re equal parts hilarious and sweet.Liz and Landon. I don’t know ...
Don't know what to say without giving too much of the story away. Doing It for Love by Cassie Mae is a riotous story. When the sparks have past and the thrill is gone, don't give up but soldier on. This story had me laughing so hard. With Liz and Landon's story, Ms. Mae has come up with an origi...