I never got around to doing this at the end of February, so what the heck ... I might as well include the first two weeks of March, since that month is half over at this point already, too. But then, February was such a universal suck-fest in RL that I didn't even make it here for the better part o...
I Picked Up This Book Because: I like Tyler Perry. I am endlessly curious about the life journeys of others so why not read this. Part memoir, part inspiration, part spiritual study guide. Tyler shares his story largely using the metaphor of a tree. He speaks of his roots, his branches and leaves. ...
"PHENOMENAL"! This is my first Walter Mosley book. Wow, I am left speechless with teared filled eyes because I too love Ptolemy. I can say I love him just as much as Robin, if not more. It's been a long time since I've been able to connect with multiple characters in a story. I felt, while listening...
He may have been an ordinary man before being placed in an extraordinary situation. But he responded with extraordinary actions. He is no longer an ordinary man in my view. He's a living saint if there ever was one.This is a story about the right man with the right abilities at a bad place at a h...