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Man, oh man, what a rough start to my Man Booker Prize year. Snap and Warlight were both terribly difficult to get through. Snap just wasn't Man Booker material; Warlight was a sleepy, emotionless read. But when I started in on From a Low and Quiet Sea, I saw brilliance and beauty and I knew that Ma...
Gosh, I’m not quite sure what to make of this book. It contains rather sad and depressing, although insightful and sharp, snapshots of the lives of inhabitants of a small village in the west of Ireland. The area has gone from riches to rags after the fraudulent local builder who provided the jobs an...
A lovely, good natured piece of kitchen sink realism, this short and attractive little novel constructs a drama in a small town through the eyes of a different character in each chapter and the plot unfolds in a satisfying way. Much of the pleasure is in the colloquial language and incidental touch...
bookshelves: booker-longlist, published-2012, impac-longlist, summer-2014, britain-ireland, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, lit-richer, contemporary, tbr-busting-2014, e-book, nutty-nuut, debut Read from December 02, 2013 to August 07, 2014 Description: In the aftermath of Ireland's financial c...
These voices come from the same neighbourhoods as [a:Roddy Doyle|10108|Roddy Doyle|]'s and [a:Agnes Owens|108420|Agnes Owens|]'s. They are the working class of an I...