The lightning bug, or firefly, is neither a bug nor a fly, but a beetle. I like bug, because it has a cozy sound, a hugging sound, a snug sound, it fits her, my Bug.Deep in the dark blue air sing these lives that make the summer night. The lightning bug does not sing. But of all these lives, it alon...
"The smells of things in the air of the night are the calls of lives wanting to be found. Why else are fragrances fragrant?We see to find, we hear to find, we smell to find and be found. Until we find or be found, we are lost and wanting."The theme of the mood of an ending is of a loss or finding.I ...
Haven't even finished the book yet, just love it already.
Sometimes I think I have a mild form of prosopagnosia. When people say kids look like their parents, I always have to smile and nod, unless we're talking Martin Sheen/Emilio Estevez levels of facial similarity. And then there's this thing I do where I think someone I know looks like a famous person,...
May I be permitted to strangle this author? Pleeeeeez can I? I once thought there could be nothing more annoying than a novel written in the present tense by an author not qualified to pull it off. Oh, how mistaken I was. Here's something about twice as annoying: A NOVEL WRITTEN IN THE SECOND PERSON...