The short story anthology Earth, Air, Fire, Water edited by Margaret Weis, the second and last collection of the Tales from the Eternal Archives, contains thirteen stories of varying quality loosely connected to one another through the titular mystical library. But unlike the first collection all t...
I like to get short story anthologies, because they're interruptable (I have issues with putting a book down mid-plot to go do something else; I'm not good at it), they often introduce new writers or allow a favorite and much-read author to explore genres other than what I normally see them in, and ...
A mediocre-at-best collection of stories about Evil Overlords. Tanya Huff and Nina Kiriki Hoffman (no surprise there) wrote the only two stories worth reading. The stories aren't even offensively or impressively bad--just sort of boring and banal.
I really liked this anthology. There were several highly amusing stories.
I really liked this anthology. It was a good mix of light and dark stories and a few of the stories were quite funny.