Donald McCaig
Birth date: January 01, 1940
Donald McCaig's Books
We don't know—none of us knows— what sorrows gonna trample us. But we ain't put down on this earth to buck and jibe. I am a huge fan of Gone With the Wind but I've always been wary about reading any other books that were sequels to it or based upon its characters. When I first heard about this book...
Cathecarte Puryear blinked. "You are a natural philosopher?" The boy dismissed that possibility. "No, sir. I'm a renegade." The characters from Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind are some of my all time favorites. With the upcoming release of Donald McCaig's book focusing on Mammy I decided to ...
Who can forget Scarlett O'Hara, Tara, and of course beloved Mammy. Ruth's Journey is a tale of Mammy. Mammy was born in the Caribbean Islands, was the only survivor of an attack on her household, and made her way to Savannah with the Forniers. As their "child" she was treated well, but was sold t...
Though the book is related by Ruth (Mammy), the story is really Solange and Miss Ellen’s story. You might ask “Who is Solange?” Solange is Scarlett’s grandmother, but you won’t find her in Gone with the Wind. Solange is a French heiress who is married off to a second son with prospects in sugar. She...