Join Jenny Tyson, wife of occult author Donald Tyson, on a remarkable journey of spirit communication and instruction with her two guides—famed Elizabethan magicians John Dee and Edward Kelley. This fascinating book follows her yearlong training that culminated in an intense, three-day initiation th...
When Abdul Alhazred gets his lover, the daughter of the king, pregnant, he's forced to eat the roasted fetus, along with his own genitals. Mutilated and near death, he is left to die in the Empty Space, the great desert. But that is only the beginning of his journey to becoming the greatest necroman...
A group of paranormal specialists are gathered together to investigate murderous ghostly happenings in an isolated old hotel. This one is a paranormal story by the numbers, the characters are forgettable and it reads like the writer set up the magical events and then wrote up to the events without m...
I quite liked the system as such, of working in a mini-format, with the cards on the table-top and in the astral at the same time. I am sure it will take some practice to get the hang of it though. I had a few minor objections to his views but nothing I can't work around. The last chapter on how to ...