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about the author:Pseudonyms: Don DeBrandt & DD Barant Donn Cortez is a pseudonym for Canadian author Don DeBrandt. Born in Saskatchewan, he currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition to North America, his books have been published in Germany, France, Italy, and Russia. His influence...
I’m a bit at a loss as to what to say about this book. Let me start with the story itself, which I loved. This is a touching story about finding love, losing who you assume to be your one and only, and finding a way to continue living and loving despite the pain. It tells about a love that can’t b...
I’ve rambled on and off about tie-in books, specifically the defictionalized tie-ins. And while I have mixed feelings on those, I have a very soft spot for serialized tie-ins and novelizations, such as the following. (What can I say? I’m a fanfiction nerd.) Funnily enough, I tend to gravitate to tie...
Haven't been crazy about the books this guy has written in this series and this one is no exception.