by Ellen Meister
Dorothy Parker was a real person of 1920’s fame, but this is not historical fiction, per se. It is more about Norah Wolfe who works for TV talk show, Simon Janey Live. The company is failing and if they don’t soon secure a phenomenal interview with someone ultra-famous, the show will be cancelled....
It isn't necessary to read Meister's first Dorothy Parker book (Farewell, Dorothy Parker) before this. In fact, you might want to read this one first because A) it's kind of a prequel, and B) it's better. The ghost of Dorothy Parker manages to disarm the world-weariest of people this time around wit...
Meister's previous novel, Farewell, Dorothy Parker, was an enjoyable though fairly predictable but well-executed tale with characters I appreciated. While I intended to track down more by Meister, I hadn't yet. One thing I didn't expect was to see a sequel -- there was really nothing in the it to ma...
By Ellen MiesterISBN:0399166874 Series: Dorothy Parker #2Publisher: Putnam AdultPublication Date: 02/24/2015Format: OtherMy Rating: 4.5 Stars A special thank you to Penguin First to Read for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Wacky, hilarious, and entertaining! Just purchased Meister's two ...
This entertaining novel featuring the ghost of witty Dorothy Parker is, of course, full of tart-tongued repartee, but along with the humor is a surprisingly moving story of friendship and family. Though no longer among the living, Dorothy Parker is still hanging around the Algonquin Hotel in corpore...