Dorothy Simpson
Birth date: January 01, 1933
Dorothy Simpson's Books
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I picked up one of these Luke Thanet books for a couple of bucks at the UBS before Christmas - I am always looking for new classic mystery series, and this looked like a decent option. This is the third book in the series I've read at this point. I read the 6th book, Dead on Arrival, first, and th...
This is the first in a series of mysteries involving Inspector Luke Thanet. I'd never heard of this series until I came across it while browsing Hoopla. It was just...ok. Thanet was an okay character. He has a nice family, a nice home life, everything was just...nice. He does have a bad back, thou...
bookshelves: published-1983, spring-2010, mystery-thriller, britain-england, fraudio Read from February 27 to March 06, 2010 Blurb - Dr. Pertifer had a thriving practice, a beautiful wife, good health and a wealthy bank account. But stress and overwork take their toll, and Inspector Thanet knew ...
[Book 11, 1992:]Inspector Thanet's beat remains the town of Sturrenden in Kent, his milieu the upper middle classes, his sleuthing style understated and shrewdly intuitive--when he isn't beset by such family problems as his teenage daughter's posh new boyfriend. The inspector finds a diversion of so...
Blurb - Dr. Pertifer had a thriving practice, a beautiful wife, good health and a wealthy bank account. But stress and overwork take their toll, and Inspector Thanet knew how high the suicide rate was in the medical profession. But would-be suicides didn't normally arrange for their cars to be repai...