Dossie Easton
Birth date: February 26, 1944
Dossie Easton's Books
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Глубоко вдохните и задержите дыхание. Положите руку на живот и почувствуйте напряжение. Затем медленно выдохните, и вы ощутите, как мышцы туловища расслабляются. Когда мы напряжены, то дышим тяжело, будто глотаем воздух, и почти не выдыхаем -это и поддерживает напряжение в мышцах и в сознании. А выд...
Too much time is spent defining labels and defending the lifestyle. Most of it seems common sense: Be honest (but no need to share all the details, if the other person doesn't want to know). Know and respect boundaries. And so on.Can be summarized as: Set some ground rules depending on what is comfo...
The best beginner book on polyamory about there.
I went into this book with high hopes. A discussion of "radical ecstasy" as it relates to sex and intimate connection? Yes please! And while authors Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy write with heartfelt authenticity and earnestness, this book was unfortunately, a bit of a mess. When two authors shar...
Before I write my review, I want to say something. I don't normally read psycho-babble self-help relationship-help type books. Maybe it's because I've been in therapy for bipolar since I was 13, maybe it's because I regularly read psychology and medical texts, maybe it's because I have an immediat...