It has taken ages for me to get around to reading this book, namely because when my sister first bought it back in 1995 she told me that I couldn't read it until she had finished it. I'm not sure if that ever came about – her reading it that is – however over Christmas, when I was back in Adelaide f...
Last Human by Doug Naylor is the third book based on the British science fiction comedy show Red Dwarf. The crew of Red Dwarf accidentally end up in an alternate dimension and they find an alternate copy of their transport ship Starbug with all the crew dead inside except for Lister. They set out on...
Two Smegheads for the price of one! What's not to love? It even comes with instructions!
Red Dwarf scripts, what's not to like?You haven't seen Red Dwarf? Imagine Monty Python meets Farscape. That's Red Dwarf.Funny, touchy, great.
I'm sad to say that this is even more of a letdown then Backwards was. It seems that Naylor needs Grant more then vice versa. At least when it comes to writing in the Red Dwarf universe. This book just wasn't that funny or even true to the characters. As a science fiction novel in it's own right it ...