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Down Under with the Hottie - Juli Alexander
Down Under with the Hottie
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Ten days in Sydney, Australia with my first boyfriend! My Spring Break couldn’t be better. Sure, it’s a mission for GASI, but we lucked out with our cover story. We are boyfriend and girlfriend traveling with a group of American high school students.I mean, sure, we have some terrorists to stop.... show more
Ten days in Sydney, Australia with my first boyfriend! My Spring Break couldn’t be better. Sure, it’s a mission for GASI, but we lucked out with our cover story. We are boyfriend and girlfriend traveling with a group of American high school students.I mean, sure, we have some terrorists to stop. And some of the teens on the trip aren’t the nicest. Then there’s this guy, Aa
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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781502874153 (1502874156)
Publisher: Suasponte Press
Pages no: 140
Edition language: English
Young Adult
Series: Investigating the Hottie (#3)
Books by Juli Alexander
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