by Stephani Hecht
3 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews dragon element is always quite enough to draw me into reading a book. In this little story we have dragons and sorcerers in their eternal fight for dominance.Duncan has been captured and a slave to a powerful a...
Because dragon.Although the blurb has some rather unfortunate commas that make me a little leery of this book..Post-read ETA:Ehh....No me gusta nada.Sorry. This just didn't cut it for me.The grammar's a bit...less than desirable. The story's really not that interesting. There are some concepts that ...
I did read reviews of this before trying it, and now I see what some others were saying about the romance feeling rushed. I don't always hate insta-love, but this is an example of when it just didn't work for me. I also agree with some other reviewers in that if the story had been a little longer ...
This is a short, not too involved or deep, cute story. First, the story seems to be about Duncan, then it seems more about Trent, then it changes again and ends up being about the two of them together. They realize they have feelings for each other and almost instantly fall in love. It is about r...