9780553225570 (055322557X)
Edition language: English
Series: Pern: Harper Hall (#1)
I think this was the very first Pern book I ever read. A friend let me borrow it during our required reading hour in school (maybe middle school?), and I was hooked. No wonder: the Harper Hall trilogy had a lot of features that I tended to gravitate towards.In this first book, Menolly is a nearly 15...
2014 re-read. Review forthcoming
2014 re-read. Review forthcoming
Classic fantasy by the Queen of Dragons herself. I read a number of these books when I was younger and unfortunately had to leave them all behind after moving to a different country, but somewhat thankfully I could remember absolutely nothing of what went on in them. Except that there were dragons, ...
This was the first book in the Pern series I ever read. That series is technically science-fiction, but this book even more than the other Pern books reads like high fantasy: dragonets, bards (well, OK, harpers) Lords, etc. This coming of age tale, although directed at the young adult market, I can ...