by Cameron Dane
3.5 starsCan dreams come true…? Can you fall in love in a dream and make it happen in reality…? Can the past come in your dreams and sweeten its way into you so you finally let go…?Colin Baxter is in love. The man of his dreams is perfect, sexy and sexual in so many ways he has Colin wanting for mor...
I really really REALLY liked the idea, and the story itself is not quite what I had in mind but nevertheless good. If it weren't for the sex scenes, I'd probably give it 3.5 stars. They were boring. The descriptions are almost clinical. Terms like 'quivering bud', 'stabbing his penis in X's hot wetn...
3.5 stars - I did not think I would really like it, but I did!
My review cross-posted from Joyfully Reviewed: it possible for a house to possess a heart and soul? One strong enough to bring two men together? For two years, Colin Baxter has dreamed of a beautiful house and the man who live...