by David K. Randall
I wanted Randall to say something beyond: sleep is super important. But the message he wanted to give was just that, nothing more, and he said it fairly well. This book was very basic introduction and intended to do little more than develop an appreciation for the role sleep plays in our lives as ...
I really liked some of this book, especially the chapter about dreams (which was most of the reason I picked this up in the first place) although parts of it were very boring. Ironically, this is a great book to read while falling asleep since parts of it make your mind wander, and reading about fa...
You know how with those most important thing in life you take it for granted until it's gone? That's how I used to think about sleeping, which is not thinking about it at all. Back then I'd sleep early or late, wake up whenever I have to without a thought. Then, (ah.. the unavoidable significant mom...
Sleep. Most of us love it, many of us don't get enough of it, and none of us knows very much about it given the percentage of our lives we spend doing it. Even scientists don't know that much about it, especially compared to their understanding of other basic biological functions. However, sleep res...
Es un libro decente, con anécdotas entretenidas e información interesante sobre el sueño, pero está dirigido al lector casual. Lo recomiendo ampliamente a aquellos que no conocen mucho del tema y les llama la atención, pero si ya tienen las nociones básicas sobre la psicología y fisiología del sueño...