This book is both funny and depressing. It’s funny because of the comments and stories, and depressing because damn the media hasn’t changed in the seven years since the book came out. It might have gotten worse. Fark details and presents examples about how the media...
Hilarious. I think the same way, so I can't help but enjoy it.
This is another one of those books that I initially loved, but over time, my feelings have softened up toward it. However, I think that this has a lot of good points to make about Mass Media in today’s world, and it’s still pretty good. Curtis’s main argument is that there’s really not a lot of ‘imp...
The analysis of filler news doesn't have anything that isn't already obvious to anyone who spends much time reading news or watching it on TV. However, the book is extremely funny. I had more than a few instances of laughing so hard I could barely breathe.