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Very short intro to the series, but great graphics and cover. A really original story. I'd be interested to read more.
This jumps a generation: Kim's granddaughter Megan, or Megs for short is a teenager, and she's curious as to what happened with Edward, although her mother refuses to talk about it at all. When Kim dies, Megs only gets more and more curious, Edward, on his part, is lonelier than ever, and when ...
Edward Scissorhands Vol.2 After reading the first volume, Parts Unkown, I was already looking forward to this next volume. The same feelings of nostalgia apply to this graphic novels, and although I still haven't watched the movie again, I want to do it soon. Once again the art reminds of me of...
Thank you to Jessica for introducing me to this series. I haven't gotten the next issue, but I'm working my way through a bunch of my PDFs right now, and since I've been so flaky as far as reading goes, I'd figured at about twenty-two pages, this would be a nice easy read. Especially given how m...
Description from Noisetrade: ANYA SOBCZEK (SUB-CHECK) is a snarling science major with an arm full of Darwin tattoos. Her brother OWEN is a sensitive young thing in a coven of teenage occultists. The Sobczek sibs have always been brutally competitive, but now that Owen’s blood has started BUBBLING...