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Dridder's Web (erotic horror) - A.D. Sona
Dridder's Web (erotic horror)
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Araneith, the dridder, has been terrorizing Ernsdale for as long as anyone can remember, claiming any villagers who dare trespass to her caverns. The village elder sends the legendary warrior Yuki the Brave to slay the monster, and Yuki is certain he can accomplish the task… But as Yuki crawls... show more
Araneith, the dridder, has been terrorizing Ernsdale for as long as anyone can remember, claiming any villagers who dare trespass to her caverns. The village elder sends the legendary warrior Yuki the Brave to slay the monster, and Yuki is certain he can accomplish the task…
But as Yuki crawls and hacks his way through the thick mass of spider webs and bones of Araneith’s victims, her skittering begins to haunt him, and he realizes he will never be able to escape, and that Araneith wants him for more than just a mid-afternoon snack.

This short, 4,000 word erotic horror short story contains material some readers may find offensive, including vore, one scary half-spider half-woman creature terrorizing a village and a cavern full of cobwebs and bones.
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Format: kindle
Pages no: 15
Edition language: English
Books by Sonata Sorento
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