by Christina Schwarz, Blair Brown in Madison I thought I would like this at least from the local rural flavor aspect. Unfortunately, I didn't really like anything about it. First, I'm was actually kind of annoyed by the setting. This is supposed to be a lake that is close to Milwaukee but also very rural. Amanda goes ...
It didn't shake me to my core, and that's what I was hoping for when I read this book. A decent read, but ultimately didn't resonate with me.
This was a fun read, but alas, I'm not sure how often I'll repeat this sentence when it comes to Motomi Kyousuke's manga: Somehow average.
I know I read this book.. but cannot for the life of me remember it! I've read the summary and other people's reviews, and it still doesn't ring a bell... so apparently, not memorable!
Set in rural Wisconsin between the First and Second World Wars, this story of two sisters and their children growing up on the shores of a lake is full of secrets, guilt, misunderstandings and tragedy. There's an intensity about the plot that makes it quite difficult to bear at times - especially th...
Not bad for a first novel. Kind of fun to read about how things were many years ago, and there are some big secrets to be revealed, so it definitely keeps your interest, although not "gripping."
This novel tells the haunting story of two generations of a Wisconsin family brought together and torn apart by the lake adjacent to the family home. Focused on four women, sisters of two generations, the novel develops around the sisters' relationship with the lake, and the tragedy that ensues when...
I wouldn’t agree with the reviews and describe it as gripping but there is a certain mystery to the book that encourages you to read on. The book is well written, easy to read and the story flows smoothly but I found none of the characters truly sympathetic and wasn’t sad to say goodbye to any of th...
Good Read