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I love Drunvalo! I first started with his books The Secret of The Flower of Life Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 and thoroughly enjoyed them even though they were very technical types of books. The Serpent of Light was written very differently which was a nice changed. You can actually get a sense for his pers...
My experience with Drunvalo Melchizedek started as a reading suggestion from a dear friend. The first two books were The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life; Vol. 1 & 2. Needless to say, the amount of information was overwhelming and extremely radical compared to average modern teachings. Initia...
This is the second half of the Flower of Life Workshop and a continuation of the first volume. We learn more about the MerKaBa what I found very interesting. The MerKaBa is an energy field around every person and Drunvalo tells us how to activate it and how to use it for ascension into the next dime...
When I´m honest I have to admit I don´t understand everything Drunvalo writes about Sacred Geometry. I´m not a genius at mathematics and I had to struggle to comprehend some of his hypothesis, explanations and theories. Nonetheless it is a very interesting book and surely only appropriate for people...